Pôle Rhône-Alpes de Bioinformatique Site Doua


New feature at PBIL

A new, unique sub-directory has been defined for you to store your data.

The name of this sub-directory used to be the network ID of your machine. Multiple users of the same computer or of the same firewall or proxy used to share the same ID, so their data were stored in the same place and users could erase each other's data. This name is now a random number (an "identifier") stored in a cookie. The result of each query will be stored on the PBIL server in a user-specific sub-directory by that name. By this way, users gain the possibility to re-use lists for building other queries or for performing treatments.

Each time you will use this browser, the same identifier will be employed. This identifier is unique for each browser and profile.

Your identifier is 2132384211

Warning : You must set the preferences of your browser to allow cookies, or you will not be able to use this sub-directory.

It is up to the user to give names to the lists they create. If no name is given, the system uses a fixed name that may erase a previously created list. Lists remain available for one week before being erased. Your "identifier" will be canceled if you are not visiting the site during 2 weeks.

User reference :2132384211