- Sequence database management system.
- ADE-4
- R library for multivariate analysis and graphical display.
- Bio++
- C++ libraries for bioinformatics.
- Branch-nonhomogeneous and nonstationary model of protein evolution implemented under Bio++.
- CpGProD
- Identification of promoter regions associated with CpG islands in large genomic mammalian sequences.
- DeCo
- Adjacencies between ancestral genes from.
- HiFiX
- Sequence clustering.
- LalnView
- Pairwise local alignments visualization.
- Luna
- Java framework for genome rearrangements analysis.
- MareyMap
- Meiotic recombination rate estimation program.
- Motus
- Coloured motif search and inference in vertex coloured graphs.
- nhPhyML
- Modified version of PhyML to compute phylogenetic trees under a non stationary non homogeneous model.
- One code to find them all
- Parsing of RepeatMasker outputs to extract information about transposable elements.
- PhylDog
- Simultaneous reconstruction of gene and species trees.
- Prunier
- Detection of lateral transfers.
- SeaView
- A multiplatform, graphical user interface for multiple sequence alignment and molecular phylogeny.
- SeqinR
- R library for sequence analysis.
- SiLiX
- Clustering of homologous sequences.
- Tree patterns browsing and handling.